A Nogitsune & X production, Updated Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
02/05/03- Sorry about no comic Monday. Twas my Birthday. Friday, I'll be starting a new chapter, mostly because I just managed to screw the first one up incredibly with my long hiatus. Anyway... If anyone's still reading out there, feel free to comment on the new style, layout, etc. In case you don't know, you can reach me at kitsune@wfeca.net. Wheee... And in case anyone is curious about the theme of the next chapter, here's a hint: Welcome to the Wired. ^_^
02/01/2003- I think my little art-comic says how I feel. And those of you who think I'm making too big of deal out of it, well... I don't care. :P On a slightly lighter note, I did some more editing on the page design. On a downright cheerful note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!
01/31/2003- Look! New comics! A lot has happened, including the death of my precious computer. I'm now drawing with my Wacom Tablet until I get my scanner hooked up to the new computer. w00t! So please... read! I'm trying to get us back to actually having.. you know... a comic. Though please note that at the moment, WoDX is still currently very much on the side. I'm a full-time student taking eight classes at the moment, soo.. yeah. I'm also working on writing a novel. ^_^